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RE: description of atoms [ Reply ]
By: Benjamin Roy on 2008-05-13 13:19

You can find a description of atoms characteristics in the user manual which can be found here:

If you want a more precise description on how atoms work and particularly Gabor atoms, I suggest you to refer to the papers mentioned as references in this user manual or directly in the source code.

With best.

Benjamin for MPTK team

description of atoms [ Reply ]
By: Clothilde Melot on 2008-05-13 09:43
Dear developpers,

We are currently working with MPTK, and we really think the software goes really very very quick and is easy to use. Thank you so much !

Now we need to understand better the atoms which are in the dictionnary, since we may need to use only some of them.
Is there any documentation on the different types and the meaning of the different parameters which can be found in the file default.xml ?
If it doesn't exist, could you just explain at least for the gabor type the meaning of the several parameters and their relationship with the visual aspect of the atoms ?
Thank you by advance for your answer.
with best