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RE: it is runing, but where does it go ? [ Reply ]
By: Rémi Gribonval on 2008-02-14 22:30
Here the problem is in the bookread.m matlab file provided in Mat2MPTK, and as said in the answer to andrew ... the problem is that this is no longer compatible with the book format in 0.5.4.

There is a beta version of a bookread.m utility with a Mex file, but it far from fully functional at the moment, and the corresponding bookwrite.m mexfile seems to crash matlab .... We will try to fix this someday, but any help would be welcome!

Note that if you just want to try MPTK, it may be simpler to use the command lines *directly* in a shell, rather than using the so far incomplete and unstable matlab utilities :)

There are some examples in the user manual, they should be easy to reproduce.

Best regards,


it is runing, but where does it go ? [ Reply ]
By: Clothilde Melot on 2008-02-14 16:52
thank you once again for your help.
the computation time was very long, and then...
I put the error message I get with a sample of each step

first step: computation

mptk DEBUG -- MP_Block_c::update_ip( touch ) - In frame 1340, maxcorr is 0.00297805 at position 0.
mptk DEBUG -- MP_Block_c::update_ip( touch ) - In frame 1341, maxcorr is 0.0518658 at position 0.
mptk DEBUG -- MP_Block_c::update_ip( touch ) - In frame 1342, maxcorr is 0.00761166 at position 1.
mptk DEBUG -- MP_Block_c::update_ip( touch ) - In frame 1343, maxcorr is 0.0194382 at position 0.
mptk DEBUG -- MP_Block_c::update_ip( touch ) - In frame 1344, maxcorr is 0.00831114 at position 0.
mptk DEBUG -- MP_Block_c::update_ip( touch ) - In frame 1345, maxcorr is 0.0165865 at position 3.
mptk DEBUG -- MP_Block_c::update_ip( touch ) - In frame 1346, maxcorr is 0.0205251 at position 2.
mptk DEBUG -- MP_Block_c::update_ip( touch ) - In frame 1347, maxcorr is 0.00538666 at position 2.
mptk DEBUG -- MP_Block_c::update_ip( touch ) - In frame 1348, maxcorr is 0.0368861 at position 1.
mptk DEBUG -- MP_Block_c::update_ip( touch ) - In frame 1349, maxcorr is 0.035853 at position 0.
mptk DEBUG -- MP_Block_c::update_ip( touch ) - In frame 1350, maxcorr is 0.0469999 at position 1.
mptk DEBUG -- MP_Block_c::update_ip( touch ) - In frame 1351, maxcorr is 0.03148 at position 1.
mptk DEBUG -- MP_Block_c::update_ip( touch ) - In frame 1352, maxcorr is 0.0121348 at position 2.
mptk DEBUG -- MP_Block_c::update_ip( touch ) - In frame 1353, maxcorr is 0.0201607 at position 2.
mptk DEBUG -- MP_Block_c::update_ip( touch ) - In frame 1354, maxcorr is 0.0313884 at position 1.

Then something else...

mptk DEBUG -- MP_Dict_c::create_max_atom(**atom) - Found max atom in block [18], at frame [10], with filterIdx [1129].
mptk PROGRESS -- At iteration - [1000] : the residual energy is [494.642] and the SNR is [7.55219].
mptk DEBUG -- MP_Mpd_Core_c::step() - EXITING iteration [1000]/[1000].
mptk DEBUG -- MP_Mpd_Core_c::step() - Next report hit is [1100].
mptk DEBUG -- MP_Mpd_Core_c::step() - Next save hit is [4294967295].
mptk DEBUG -- MP_Mpd_Core_c::step() - Next snr hit is [4294967295].
mptk DEBUG -- MP_Mpd_Core_c::step() - SNR is [-inf]/[-inf].
mptk INFO -- Current state - Reached the target number of iterations [1000].
mptk INFO -- mpd - ------------------------
mptk INFO -- mpd - ------------------------
mptk INFO -- Result - [1000] iterations have been performed.
mptk INFO -- Result - ([1000] atoms have been selected out of the [1867548] atoms of the dictionary.)
mptk INFO -- Result - The initial signal energy was [2815.21].
mptk INFO -- Result - The residual energy is now [494.642].
mptk INFO -- Result - The SNR is now [7.55219].
mptk DEBUG -- MP_Signal_c::wavwrite(file) - -- srate : 8192
mptk DEBUG -- MP_Signal_c::wavwrite(file) - -- frames : 73113
mptk DEBUG -- MP_Signal_c::wavwrite(file) - -- channels : 1
mptk DEBUG -- MP_Signal_c::wavwrite(file) - -- format : 65538
mptk DEBUG -- MP_Signal_c::wavwrite(file) - -- sections : 0
mptk DEBUG -- MP_Signal_c::wavwrite(file) - -- seekable : 0
mptk INFO -- mpd - Have a nice day !
mptk DEBUG -- MP_Signal_c::~MP_Signal_c() - Deleting the signal...
mptk DEBUG -- MP_Signal_c::~MP_Signal_c() - Done.
mptk DEBUG -- MP_Dict_c::~MP_Dict_c() - Deleting dict...
mptk DEBUG -- MP_Gabor_Block_c::~MP_Gabor_Block_c() - Deleting Gabor block...
mptk DEBUG -- MP_Gabor_Block_c::~MP_Gabor_Block_c() - Done.
mptk DEBUG -- ~MP_Block_c() - Deleting basic_block...
mptk DEBUG -- ~MP_Block_c() - Done.

mplib DEBUG -- ~MP_Harmonic_Atom_c() - Deleting harmonic_atom.
mplib DEBUG -- ~MP_Harmonic_Atom_c() - Deleting harmonic_atom.
mplib DEBUG -- ~MP_Harmonic_Atom_c() - Deleting harmonic_atom.

mplib DEBUG -- ~MP_Harmonic_Atom_c() - Deleting harmonic_atom.
mplib DEBUG -- ~MP_Harmonic_Atom_c() - Deleting harmonic_atom.
mptk DEBUG -- MP_Book_c::~MP_Book_c() - Done.
mptk DEBUG -- MPTK_Env_c::release_environnement() - The fftw Plan is not saved.
mptk DEBUG -- MP_Win_Server_c::~MP_Win_Server_c() - Destroying the window server...
mptk DEBUG -- MP_Win_Server_c::release() - Entering.
mptk DEBUG -- MP_Win_Server_c::release() - Exiting.
mptk DEBUG -- MP_Win_Server_c::~MP_Win_Server_c() - Done.
mptk DEBUG -- ~MP_Msg_Server_c -- Entering the messaging server destructor.
mptk DEBUG -- ~MP_Msg_Server_c -- Exiting the messaging server destructor.

ans =


??? Undefined function or variable "pos".

Error in ==> bookread at 70
book.atom{i}.pos = pos;

Error in ==> mpd at 35
varargout{1} = bookread('tempbook.bin');

Error in ==> Mat2MPTKdemo at 2
[B, res, dec]=mpd(y, Fs, 'n', 1000, 'R', 100);%will run mpd with the 'default.xml' dictionary file.