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RE: fftwisdom file seems to appear again ! [ Reply ]
By: RĂ©mi Gribonval on 2008-02-08 11:49
First of all, don't worry about the fftw_wisdom stuff. This appears as an error but should indeed just be a warning, since it does not prevent MPTK from functioning but can just slightly slow it down at startup. Supposedly, if you relaunch the very same command a second time there should not be any such message. Please let us know.

Now to the error
mptk ERROR -- MP_Dict_c::load_xml_file(const char* fName) - Error while loading the dictionary file [/home/melot/matlab/Matching_pursuit/default.xml].
mptk ERROR -- MP_Dict_c::load_xml_file(const char* fName) - Error ID: 7 .
mptk ERROR -- MP_Dict_c::load_xml_file(const char* fName) - Error description: Error reading Attributes.

This indicates that there was an error parsing the XML file, and it is only logical that MPTK aborts.
I don't quite understand what is the problem here.
It may help if you post the results of the unix commands
'ls /home/melot/matlab/Matching_pursuit/'
as well as
'file /home/melot/matlab/Matching_pursuit/default.xml'
'less /home/melot/matlab/Matching_pursuit/default.xml'

Best regards,


fftwisdom file seems to appear again ! [ Reply ]
By: Clothilde Melot on 2008-02-08 10:53
Thank you very much for your answer Remi !!
Here is the story.

I did adress the MPTK_CONFIG_FILENAME variable.
Then I discover that I hadn't the "reference" directory but I reload all the packages and I copy dic_gabor_two_scales.xml as a default.xml file. I took care of giving the right path when I launched the InstallMat2MPTK script again.

I get the following error message.
Can you help me again ? thank you so much by advance !!!

Enter MPTK Path ['/usr/local/bin/']: ['/usr/local/MPTK-0.5.4/bin/']
Enter Dictionaries Path ['/home/melot/matlab/Matching_pursuit/Dict/']: ['/home/melot/matlab/Matching_pursuit/']
>> Mat2MPTKdemo
mptk DEBUG -- MP_Msg_Server_c -- Entering the messaging server constructor.
mptk DEBUG -- MP_Msg_Server_c -- Exiting the messaging server constructor.
mptk DEBUG -- mpd - switch -D : optarg is [/home/melot/matlab/Matching_pursuit/default.xml].
mptk DEBUG -- mpd - Read dictionary file name [/home/melot/matlab/Matching_pursuit/default.xml].
mptk DEBUG -- mpd - switch -n : optarg is [1000].
mptk DEBUG -- mpd - Read numIter [1000].
mptk DEBUG -- mpd - switch -E : optarg is [tempdecay.txt].
mptk DEBUG -- mpd - Read decay file name [tempdecay.txt].
mptk DEBUG -- mpd - switch -R : optarg is [100].
mptk DEBUG -- mpd - Read report hit [100].
mptk DEBUG -- mpd - When exiting getopt, optind is [5].
mptk DEBUG -- mpd - (argc is [8].)
mptk DEBUG -- mpd - Read sound file name [tempin.wav].
mptk DEBUG -- mpd - Read book file name [tempbook.bin].
mptk DEBUG -- mpd - Read residual file name [tempres.wav].
mptk DEBUG -- MPTK_Env_c::environment() - Load successfully the following Block type:
mptk DEBUG -- MPTK_Env_c::environment() - harmonic block.
mptk DEBUG -- MPTK_Env_c::environment() - chirp block.
mptk DEBUG -- MPTK_Env_c::environment() - mclt block.
mptk DEBUG -- MPTK_Env_c::environment() - gabor block.
mptk DEBUG -- MPTK_Env_c::environment() - mdst block.
mptk DEBUG -- MPTK_Env_c::environment() - constant block.
mptk DEBUG -- MPTK_Env_c::environment() - anywavehilbert block.
mptk DEBUG -- MPTK_Env_c::environment() - dirac block.
mptk DEBUG -- MPTK_Env_c::environment() - nyquist block.
mptk DEBUG -- MPTK_Env_c::environment() - mdct block.
mptk DEBUG -- MPTK_Env_c::environment() - anywave block.
mptk ERROR -- MP_FFT_Interface_c::init_fft_library_config() - fftw wisdom file with path /usr/local/MPTK-0.5.4/bin/default_fftw_wisdom_file doesn't exist .
mptk DEBUG -- MPTK_Env_c::environment() - No fftw Plan well formed was found.
mptk INFO -- mpd - ------------------------------------
mptk INFO -- mpd - ------------------------------------
mptk INFO -- mpd - The command line was:
/usr/local/MPTK-0.5.4/bin/mpd -D/home/melot/matlab/Matching_pursuit/default.xml -n1000 -Etempdecay.txt -R100 tempin.wav tempbook.bin tempres.wav
mptk INFO -- mpd - End command line.
mptk INFO -- mpd - Loading the dictionary...
mptk INFO -- mpd - (In the following, spurious output of dictionary pieces would be a symptom of parsing errors.)
mptk DEBUG -- MP_Dict_c::MP_Dict_c() - Constructing dict...
mptk DEBUG -- MP_Dict_c::MP_Dict_c() - Done.
mptk ERROR -- MP_Dict_c::load_xml_file(const char* fName) - Error while loading the dictionary file [/home/melot/matlab/Matching_pursuit/default.xml].
mptk ERROR -- MP_Dict_c::load_xml_file(const char* fName) - Error ID: 7 .
mptk ERROR -- MP_Dict_c::load_xml_file(const char* fName) - Error description: Error reading Attributes. .
mptk ERROR -- MP_Dict_c::init(dictFileName) - The dictionary scanned from file [/home/melot/matlab/Matching_pursuit/default.xml] contains no recognized blocks.
mptk DEBUG -- MP_Dict_c::~MP_Dict_c() - Deleting dict...
mptk DEBUG -- MP_Dict_c::~MP_Dict_c() - Done.
mptk ERROR -- mpd - Failed to create a dictionary from XML file [/home/melot/matlab/Matching_pursuit/default.xml].
??? Error using ==> bookread
Can't open file [tempbook.bin]

Error in ==> mpd at 35
varargout{1} = bookread('tempbook.bin');

Error in ==> Mat2MPTKdemo at 2
[B, res, dec]=mpd(y, Fs, 'n', 1000, 'R', 100);%will run mpd with the 'default.xml' dictionary file.