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RE: Matlab Compiled .NET Assemblies causing access violation errors [ Reply ]
By: David Browne on 2017-01-24 05:39
I have actually solved this problem. I simply need to change the target framework of the C# application to .NET 3.5. I couldn't tell you why this works, but it does. On my other computer, I can target .NET 4.0 or 4.5 without problems - both computers have the same versions of .NET installed, same versions of VS with the same tools.

Matlab Compiled .NET Assemblies causing access violation errors [ Reply ]
By: David Browne on 2017-01-19 01:40
I have several pieces of code using the MPTK tools in Matlab that I've compiled into .NET assemblies using the Matlab compiler SDK so that I can call them from a C# application.

I've recently updated my work computer to windows 10 and now whenever I call one of the MPTK functions from any one of these .NET assemblies I get an access violation error that causes the program to crash. They still work as expected on my laptop, which runs windows 7.

Any .NET assemblies compiled from standard Matlab functions work completely as expected - it's only those that call MPTK functions that are causing crashes. I have confirmed this by looking at the crash dump data.

Does anyone have any ideas what might be causing this?