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Gabor atoms: Dictionaries, parameters, issues [ Reply ]
By: Jessica Beltran on 2014-02-20 21:25
In the thread https://gforge.inria.fr/forum/forum.php?thread_id=31744&forum_id=109&group_id=36
There is a comment about the scale paramater, but I don't really understand what does it means.

"the duration of the atom by support>l, which can easily be transformed to scale if you're using a gabor dict"

How can be be transformed to scale ?

What does support>I means and how can I use it for including that paramater when creating the dictionary?

Once I have decomposed a signal, where in the book params can I find the corresponding scale parameter per each atom?

An additional question

Is there a place, link or repository where I can find large Gabor dictionaries already made?
