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Problem using anywave atoms [ Reply ]
By: Nicolas Vinuesa on 2013-01-03 10:44
Dear all,
I am using a dictionary with gabors and gammatones (implemented via anywave table); but when i try to read the book in matlab i get the following errors:

>> mybook=bookread('/home/geostat/vinuesa/INRIA/test/sx54_1.bin');
mptk ERROR -- MP_Anywave_Table_c::parse_xml_file(const char* fName) - Error while loading the table description file [gt_anywave_table.xml].
mptk ERROR -- MP_Anywave_Table_c::parse_xml_file(const char* fName) - Error ID: 2 .
mptk ERROR -- MP_Anywave_Table_c::parse_xml_file(const char* fName) - Error description: Failed to open file .
mptk ERROR -- MP_Anywave_Table_c::MP_Anywave_Table_c - Can't parse the file gt_anywave_table.xml - Default initialization by 'void constructor'.
mptk ERROR -- MP_Anywave_Server_c::add(char *) - Can't initialise a anywave table from file gt_anywave_table.xml - Returning index maxNumTables (= max + 1).
mptk ERROR -- MP_Anywave_Block_c::init_parameters(...) - The anywave table can't be added to the anywave server. The anywave table remain NULLmptk ERROR -- MP_Gabor_Block_Plugin_c::create( MP_Signal_c *setSignal, map<const char*, const char*, mp_ltstring> *paramMap ) - Failed to initialize some block parameters in the new Anywave block.
mptk WARNING -- MP_Dict_c::create_block(MP_signal_c * setSignal , map<string, PropertiesMap, mp_ltstring> *setPropertyMap) - Failed to add the block of type anywave . Proceeding with the remaining blocks.
mptk ERROR -- MP_Dict_c::parse_block(TiXmlNode * pParent, map<const char*, PropertiesMap, mp_ltstring> *setPropertyMap) - Cannot create block.
mptk ERROR -- MP_Dict_c::parse_xml_file(TiXmlDocument doc) - Error while processing block.processing the remaining block
mptk ERROR -- MP_Anywave_Table_c::parse_xml_file(const char* fName) - Error while loading the table description file [gt_anywave_table.xml].
mptk ERROR -- MP_Anywave_Table_c::parse_xml_file(const char* fName) - Error ID: 2 .
mptk ERROR -- MP_Anywave_Table_c::parse_xml_file(const char* fName) - Error description: Failed to open file .
mptk ERROR -- MP_Anywave_Table_c::MP_Anywave_Table_c - Can't parse the file gt_anywave_table.xml - Default initialization by 'void constructor'.
mptk ERROR -- MP_Anywave_Server_c::add(char *) - Can't initialise a anywave table from file gt_anywave_table.xml - Returning index maxNumTables (= max + 1).

The mpd command works well but under matlab i cannot read the results; does anybody now how to solve it?
Thanks a lot!